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Informed Choice Radio Personal Finance Podcast

Oct 21, 2019

Today’s fifty-year-olds are likely to have an astounding 36 or more years to live.

So if you’re approaching later life, you need to think very differently about what those extra years will hold.

My guest today, Louise Ansari, has written a book designed to help you get ready for a major adventure.

When We’re 64 arms readers with the knowledge, tips and pointers to think very differently about the amazing opportunity that a long life can bring.

Louise is Director of Communications and Influencing at the Centre for Ageing Better, a charity working to create a society where everyone enjoys a good later life.

She has worked on communications and campaigns for a range of UK and international organisations dealing with health, social policy, and local services, including several years as Head of Communications at Lambeth Council, and as a media specialist at Which? Magazine, the Food Standards Agency, and the Health Education Authority.

Here's my conversation with Louise Ansari, author of When We’re 64, in episode 464 of Informed Choice Radio.